Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai


Working Hours: Open at 7:30 AM
Contact: +971 4 5219999
Location: India Court

SAAED is a leading national company, a global model in developing and providing innovative, smart, integrated and sustainable solutions and services in the field of traffic services, mobility, control, inspection and smart parking with qualified national cadres and strategic partnerships to contribute to achieving the safety, security and happiness of stakeholders and society and achieving the UAE government vision.


SAAED Values:

 Happiness and safety

Future foresight, innovation, creativity and investment in human capital

Teamwork and justice

Accuracy, commitment and permanence

Transparency and Integrity


Since SAAED initiation in 2008 until now, the company was able to:

 Obtaining distinguished local, regional and international awards in partnership with government organization

 Integrated corporate governance application

  Implementing strategies that are compatible with UAE government vision

 Implementing a comprehensive quality system

 The application of the fourth generation of the government excellence system

 Development of pioneering quality projects regionally and globally

 Obtaining the Emiratization bronze medal for 2017 and 2018


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