Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai


Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Contact: 044580832
Location: Egypt Court

Founded in 2010, Lenskart is Asia’s largest omnichannel retailer and manufacturer of premium quality and contemporary eyewear. With a unique click and mortar business, Lenskart is revolutionizing the eyewear industry by offering disruptive services like home eye check-up and trials, 3D try-on and automated lens fitting. The company aims at providing every consumer access to high-quality glasses by eliminating middlepersons, using hi-tech robotic technology, and incorporating world-class designs into its products. Lenskart is a purpose driven company, which is reflected in the establishment of Lenskart Foundation, a not-for-profit organization aimed towards eradicating refractive error-based blindness. Lenskart has now forayed into the Middle East market and has recently opened several stores in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

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