Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai


Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Contact: +971 558007841
Location: Egypt Court

Giordano is a dynamic retailer of casual apparel, catering to a market that is young and has an affinity with contemporary yet affordable clothing. Over the years, the brand has evolved from its traditional brand position and now takes on a more sophisticated and premium persona. We continue to offer clothing basics, but which are current and that respond to what’s going on in the realms of fabric performance, design and culture.


G I O R D A N O is an affordable brand with good quality merchandise. It’s consistent focus on simplicity, quality and service has helped to create a signature look , featuring relaxed ,easy-to-wear fashion pieces that can be readily mixed-and-matched to suit any occasion , mood or place. Customers can be assured “to feel good and look great”. The essence of Giordano is to develop apparel for everyone regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or culture, truly illustrating its brand value of “World Without Strangers”.


Giordano’s brands – “Giordano”, “Giordano Junior”, “Giordano Ladies “,  and “BSX” – are today synonymous with superior quality, value and service.


Store location: GF -219 (EGYPT COURT)

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