Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
Forever 21

Forever 21

Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Location: Egypt Court

Forever 21 is a famous American fashion retailer in the UAE. Often associated with street style fashion, the store is mostly visited by millennials and young
fashionistas. It offers terrific value for money and is, therefore, a favourite shopping destination for women and men alike. Now you quickly get that uber-cool
 look with Forever 21's fantastic range of active wear, jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, sunglasses, backpacks and much more. Forever 21 at Ibn battuta mall offers fashion in six ranges: trendy, career, athletic, denim, intimates, pre-school and accessories. Step into the store to get an image makeover. You can be a supermodel,
 techie or a bohemian in no time.

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