Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
Switch Bowling Dubai

Switch Bowling

Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Contact: +971 4 440 5961
Location: India Court

Switch Bowling Dubai is the very embodiment of Ibn Battuta Mall’s status as an all-round family entertainment centre. A game that revolves around speed, sport and style, Switch Bowling is a fine blend of state-of-the-art technology and Italy’s elegant design skills. With plenty of seating options, big screens, elaborate lighting and musical systems, it promises a great evening for anyone. Six professional pool tables and three private, soundproofed karaoke rooms equipped with the latest tracks and equipment means it ticks all the boxes as one of the great places to go with kids.

If your idea of fun places for kids is a great dinner, then ALPYS’ remarkable menu and ambiance are sure to appease any foodie. From excellent salads to panini shakes, you are assured of a tasty meal!

However, Switch Bowling is more than just a place for fun and parties; it is also perfectly able to cater to the business crowd. Whether you are looking for a venue for team training or a product launch, the location possesses everything required to deliver a memorable event. The venue features high-class multimedia systems, an extensive food and beverages menu and the perfect ambiance for a meeting.

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