Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
Novo Cinema Dubai

Novo Cinemas - IMAX

Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Contact: +971 4 232 8523
Location: China Court

Treat yourself to some magic when the lights turn off! The flagship 21-screen Novo Cinema Dubai at Ibn Battuta Mall presents a truly incomparable cinema experience for moviegoers. Watch the latest blockbuster movies out of Hollywood and other regions or lose yourself in the immersive experience that is the IMAX movie theatre for the ultimate movie entertainment experience. Carefully built with attention to every aspect and position to deliver unbelievably intense contrasts and colors, you are treated to an experience so real you’d probably forget you are seated inside the cinema! And of course, an awe-inspiring sound system that makes you feel the crashes and cries just adds to the realistic feel.

Novo Cinemas makes use of the latest technology to offer an innovative setting with dual projections and heightened realism that allow you to smell and feel sensations occurring in the movie!

Of course, all of that means nothing without comfortable seating. With soft and luxurious seats that you can just sink into and stay comfortable, you can watch the movie in bliss while the gourmet meals and beverages offered in-house allow you to enjoy a more memorable feast than just the usual popcorn. The cinema’s range of facilities firmly cements its status as the ideal place for fun and a comprehensive family entertainment centre.

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