Ibn Battuta Shopping Mall in Dubai
Al Areesh

Al Areesh

Working Hours: Open at 10:00 AM
Contact: 0585166109
Location: Tunisia Court

Like fairytales, our story starts almost thirty years ago, when the idea of Al Areesh came to Mr. Al Rumaithi, back in his college days at Al Ain town, when he used to stay at a rented house along with his cousins and they had used the services of an Iranian cook to prepare food for them.
Later, the cook got a job at a block factory in Al Ain and was all set to leave, despite of various convincing attempts by Mr. Mohammed, the cook still decided to leave. At that moment, the cousins took an oath that, if the cook left, that they would start off a restaurant to serve their needs. Well the Cook left and …that was the humble start of “Al Areesh”.. After Mr. Mohammed Al Rumaithi’s graduated, he started his diplomatic career and spent nearly 20 years in European countries serving as Ambassador and Counsel General and years later, upon returning to UAE, he is currently expanding his chain of restaurants, his dream and oath.

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